નાદબ્રહ્મ પદ - ૨૯
Nādbrahma pada 029
Syadla Bhajan Mandal (Recorded in 1982 in Mumbai)
આરતી હો દેવ શિરોમણી તેરી;
અવિગત વિગત જુગત નહીં જાણું, ક્યોં પહોંચે બુધ મેરી ... ટેક
ārati ho dev shiro-mani teri;
avigat vigat jugat nahi jānu, kyoň pahoňche budha meri ... ārati ho
નિરાકાર નિર્લેપ નિરંજન, ગુણ અતીત તુમ દેવા;
જ્ઞાન ધ્યાન સે રહે ન્યારા, કિસબિધ કીજે સેવા ... ૧
nirā-kār nir-lep niran-jan, gun atit tum devā
gnān dhyān se rahe nyārā, kisa-bidha kije sevā ... 1
નિગમ નેતિ બ્રહ્માદિક ખોજે, શેષ પાર નહીં પાવે;
શંકર ધ્યાન ધરે નીશી બાસર, સો ભી અગમ બતાવે ... ૨
nigam neti brahmā-dik khoje, shesh pār nahi pāve
shaňkar dhyān dhare nishi bāsar, so bhi agam batāve ... 2
સબ ગાયે અનુમાન આપણે, તમ ગતિ લખીએ ન જાયે;
કહે કબીર કૃપા કરી જન પર, જ્યોં હૈ ત્યોં સમજાયે ... ૩
sab gāye anu-mān ā-pane, tama gati lakhi-e na jāye
kahe kabir krupā kari jan par, jyoň ha-ii tyoň sam-jāye ... 3
YouTube Video(s):
1. Shree Ramkabir Mandir Bhajan Mandal (playlist)
2. Syadla - Amar Varso
English Translation:
0. O’ Supreme Divinity, I beseechingly pray to you and say that, I don’t have knowledge about several unfathomable details of these worldly affairs, I don’t know what Yoga is. Your realm is beyond my intellectual reach. I am perturbed, how can I ever realize your divinity?
1. O' Supreme Divine, you are formless and undefiled. As you are above the three constituent spiritual qualities (Sattvik, Rajas and Tamas) or have transcended them, you are unsullied. You cannot be realized through knowledge through spiritual discourses or books and through meditation. Then how can I worship you?
2. All the religious scriptures, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh have proclaimed all spiritual knowledge, time and again, as “Not enough, not enough – નેતિ, નેતિ”. Even Shesh Bhagwan has not been able to fathom your existence. Even after contemplating upon you day and night, Lord Shankar has to consider you inconceivable.
3. Everyone in the universe worships you singing in your praise but as a matter of fact, none can narrate a path to reach unto you. “Therefore,” Kabir says, “have mercy up on me and enable me to perceive you and understand you as you are.”
Related Link(s):
1. આ પદની સમજૂતી ('કબીર ભજન સુધા', ઈશ્વરભાઈ પ્ર. પટેલ (પરમાર્થી))
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