
નાદબ્રહ્મ પદ - ૩૦
Nādbrahma pada 030

Dhaman Bhajan Mandal (Recorded in 1971)

આરતી કીજે નરસિંહ પ્રભુકી, વેદ વિમલ જશ ગાવે ... ટેક
ārati kije narsiňh prabhu-ki, ved vimal jash gāve ... repeat

પહલી આરતી પ્રહ્લાદ ઉગારે, હિરણ કશીપુ નખ ઉદર બિડારે ... ૧
pahali ārati prahalād ugāre, hiran kashipu nakh udar bidāre ... 1

દુસરી આરતી વામન સેવા, બલિ કે દ્વારે પધારે હો દેવા ... ૨
dusari ārati vāman sevā, bali dvāre padhāre ho devā ... 2

તીસરી આરતી બ્રહ્મા સધારે, સહસ્ત્રા બાહુ કે કારજ સારે ... ૩
tisari ārati brahmā sadhāre, sahastrā bāhu e kāraj sāre ... 3

ચોથી આરતી અસુર સંહારે, ભક્ત વિભીષણ લંકા સધારે ... ૪
chothi ārati asur sam-hāre, bhakta vibhishan laňka sadhāre ... 4

પાંચમી આરતી કંસ પછાડે, ગોપી ગ્વાલ સખાપતિ પાલે ... ૫
pāňch-mi ārati kaňsa pachhāde, gopi gvāl sakhā-pati pāle ... 5

તુલસી કે પત્ર કંઠ મણિ હીરા, હરખી નીરખે ગાવે દાસ કબીરા ... ૬
tulasi ke patra kaňth mani hirā, harakhi nirakhe gāve dās kabirā ... 6

English Translation:
0. Let us worship God having an image of a man and lion - Narsinh, whose devotional prayers are even sung by the Vedas.

1. With the first prayer of the greatest devout, Prahlad, Hiranya Kashyapu's stomach was torn apart by God in the form of a man whose head is that of a lion.

2. With the second prayer offered to Vaaman, the fifth incarnation of Vishnu, God himself stood at the doorstep of his disciple, King Bali.

3. With the third prayer offered to God Dattatreya, Brahma, the creator of the Universe was appeased and he enabled Sahasra Bahu Arjun with all the prosperity he had lost.

4. With the fourth prayer of Lord Ram, the demons were destroyed and the devoted follower of Ram, Vibhishan was coroneted as the king of Lanka.

5. With the fifth prayer, Kansa, the devilish king of Mathura was killed and the shepherds and their women were protected from the wrath of the evil ruler.

6. Singing in the praise of Lord Krishna, Kabir says, a garland made of Basil (Tulsi) leaves hanging in the neck of God looks as precious as that made of precious jewels and diamonds.

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