
નાદબ્રહ્મ પદ - ૪૫
Nādbrahma pada 045

મારું મન માન્યું રમતા રામ શું, ભજીલોની સર્જનહારજી ... ટેક
māru man mānyu ramatā rām shuň, bhajilo-ni sarjan-hār-ji ... repeat

અરધ ઉરધને ચોતરે, ત્યાં છે સંતનો મુકામજી;
ચતુર ચતુર નર સોદા કરે, ત્યાં નહિ મૂરખનું કામજી ... ૧
aradh uradh-ne chotare, tyāň chhe saňt-no mukām-ji
chatur chatur nar sodā kare, tyāň nahi murakh-nu kām-ji ... 1

ચંદા સુરજ દોઉ સમવર્યા, તખ્ત ત્રિવેણીને ઘાટજી;
અંતર અજવાળા હોઇ રહ્યાં, વિઘ્ન વ્યાપે ના અંગજી ... ૨
chaňdā suraj do-u sam-varyā, takhta triveni-ne ghāt-ji
aňtar ajavālā ho-ii rahyā, vighna vyāpe nā aňg-ji ... 2

ક્ષર અક્ષરની ઉપરે, હંસ પહોંચ્યા ત્યાં જાયજી;
કર્મ ભરમ વ્યાપે નહીં, સુખમેં રહ્યો સમાયજી ... ૩
kshar akshar-ni upare, haňs pahoňch-yā tyāň jāy-ji
karma bharam vyāpe nahiň, sukh-meň rahyo samāy-ji ... 3

અરસપરસ એમ હોઇ રહ્યાં, બાજે અનહદ તૂરજી;
દાસ કબીર નિર્ભય ભયા, લાગી અલખ શું લયજી ... ૪
aras-paras em ho-ii rahyā, bāje ana-had tur-ji
dās kabir nir-bhay bhayā, lāgi alakh shuň laya-ji ... 4

YouTube Video(s):
1. Shree Ramkabir Mandir Bhajan Mandal (playlist)

English Translation:
0. Detached from the worldly passions, when one devotes attention at Ram and worshiping the Supreme Creator, there shall be no hindrance on the spiritual path and one can fathom the distance to spiritual attainment with sublime joy.

1. Half way through the path of sacred path of spiritual abode lie a place where saintly beings dwell. Here, enlightened knowledgeable beings transact spiritual learning, and certainly, that is not what infatuated minds can do.

2. On the bank of confluence of three rivers - (e.g. Ganga, Jamuna and Sarswati) the Moon and the Sun chose each other for marriage. Through this symbolic reference to the meeting of soul (Sun) and mind (Moon) on the confluence rivers (i.e. a group of the three tubular vessels - Ida, Pingla and Sushumna) Kabir explains that, when soul and mind are unified within the human body consisting of these three tubular vessels, divine light shines within and no obstacle is caused in spiritual pursuit.

3. Having attained self-realization, when the soul (symbolized by a Swan) rises above discrimination of perishable and nonperishable realm significance of Karma - good or bad actions become nonexistent and the soul dwells in sublime bliss and joy.

4. And as the soul and mind of spiritual seeker have become one, seeker is spiritually elevated to that realm where emanates just one self-originating sound heard by the yogis or mystics. With such ultimate attainment, Saint Kabir feels himself liberated of all fears and finds himself in steady meditation of the Supreme Divine.

Related Link(s):
1. આ પદની સમજૂતી ('કબીર ભજન સુધા', ઈશ્વરભાઈ પ્ર. પટેલ (પરમાર્થી))

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