
નાદબ્રહ્મ પદ - ૭૫
Nādbrahma pada 075

ગુરુ બિના કૌન બતાવે બાટ, બડા વિકટ યમઘાટ ... ટેક
guru binā ka-u-n batāve bāt, badā vikat yam-ghāt ... repeat

ભ્રાંતિ કી પહાડી નદિયાં બિચમોં, અહંકારકી લાટ ... ૧
bhrānti ki pahādi nadiyā bichamoň, ahaňkār-ki lāt ... 1

કામ ક્રોધ દો પર્વત ગઢે, લોભ ચોર સંઘાત ... ૨
kām krodh do parvat ghadhe, lobh chor sanghat ... 2

મદ મત્સરકા મેહ બરસત, માયા પવન બહે દાટ ... ૩
mad matsar-kā meh barasat, māyā pavan bahe dāt ... 3

કહત કબીર સુનો ભાઇ સાધો, ક્યોં તરના યહ ઘાટ ... ૪
kahat kabir suno bhā-ii sādho, kyoň taranā yah ghāt ... 4

YouTube Video(s):
1. Shree Ramkabir Mandir Bhajan Mandal (playlist)

English Translation:
0.  Path of spiritual pursuit is full of difficulties. Who else can show us the correct path? Certainly, life on the brink of death (yam-ghāt) is treacherous.

1.  The spiritual path is full of illusions symbolized by mountains and hills, and in between a span of egotism lies.

2.  Two great mountains of passion and anger are on the way. And added to that is greed as a thief lurking on the path.

3.  Arrogance and jealousy are showering like incessant rains, while nasty winds of delusion (Maya) are blowing mightily.

4.  Kabir calling upon the seekers of spiritual enlightenment to seek Guru's refuge, else the turning points on this path are difficult to surmount.

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