
નાદબ્રહ્મ પદ - ૭૬
Nādbrahma pada 076

ઝીની ઝીની બિની, ચદરિયાં, ઝીની ઝીની બિની;
jhini jhini bini, chadariyā, jhini jhini bini

કાહે કૈ તાના, કાહે કૈ ભરની, કૌન તારસે બિની;
ઈંગલા પીંગલા તાના ભરની, સુષમન તારસે બિની ... ૧
kāhe ke tānā, kāhe ke bharani, ka-u-na tār-se bini
iňgalā piňgalā tānā bharani, susha-man tār-se bini ...  1

આઠ કંવલ દલ ચરખા ડોલૈ, પાંચ તત્વ ગુન તિની;
સાંઈકો સિયત, માસ દસ લાગે, ઠોક ઠોક કે બિની ... ૨
āth kaňval dal charakhā dole, pāňch tatva gun tini
sāň-ii-ko siyat, mās das lāge, thok thok ke bini ... 2

સો ચાદર સુર નર મુનિ ઓઢી, ઓઢી કે મૈલી કીની;
દાસ કબીર જતનસે ઓઢી, જ્યોંકી ત્યોં ધરિ દીની ...  ૩
so chādar sur nar muni oDhi, oDhi ke meli kini
dās kabir jatan-se oDhi, jyoň-ki tyoň dhari dini ...  3

YouTube Video(s):
1. Shree Ramkabir Mandir Bhajan Mandal (playlist)

English Translation:
[The great mystic poet and saint, Kabir was a weaver. In his poems, fondly referred to as Bhajans, he used to weave tenets of philosophy and spiritualism, which could be easily understood by laymen singing his Bhajans. One such great and popular Bhajan is "Jhini Jhini Bini Chadariya".]

0. A fine wrap-cloth is woven. (Here the wrap-cloth refers to the physical form surrounding the soul within.)

1. It is a mystery by which warp and woof it is woven,
Ingla - Pingla are the Warps and Sushumna is Woof

2. Mingled with three gunas as the pattern
Assiduously the Lord took ten months to weave
This body of eight-petal lotus & five tatvas

3. Such a wrap-cloth when used by common men
and saints alike, but some of them dirtied it, while
Kabir used it caringly and left it as it was, unblemished.


Eight-petal lotus = Eight virtues (1. compassion, 2. forgiveness, 2. absence of envy, 4. purity, 5. absence of exertion, 6. auspiciousness, 7. absence of meanness and 8. absence of covetousness)
Three Gunas = Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
Five Tattva = Five objects of sense - mind, intellect, ego, prakriti and purusha (soul)

Related Link(s):
1. આ પદની સમજૂતી ('કબીર ભજન સુધા', ઈશ્વરભાઈ પ્ર. પટેલ (પરમાર્થી))

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