
નાદબ્રહ્મ પદ - ૧૮૧, રાગ - કાફી
Nādbrahma pada 181, rāga - kāfi

Orna Bhajan Mandal (Recorded on February 23, 2006)

ક્યોં હરિનામ વિસારા, મન મૂઢ ગવાંર;
kyoň hari-nām visārā, man muDh gaňvār;

ચલના દૂર અબ ક્યોં થાકે, પંથ ખાંડે કી ધાર ... ૧
chal-nā dur aba kyoň thāke, paňth khāňde ki dhār ... 1

અજ હું ચેત કહાં ભયો ગાફેલ, અભ કછુ કર લે સાર ... ૨
āja huň chet kahaň bhayo gāfel, abha kachhu kar le sār ... 2

વિષય વાદસે બાજ ન આયે, મારા મારા જમ હાર ... ૩
vishay vād-se bāj na āye, mārā mārā jam hār ... 3

છાંડ કુટિલતા ભજીલે રામનામ, યો હી મત અમારા ... ૪
chhaňd kutil-ta bhaji-le rām-nām, yo hi mat amārā ... 4

કહેત કબીર સેવો સાધુજન, તો ઉતરે ભવપાર ... ૫
kahet kabir sevo sādhu-jan, to utare bhavpār ... 5

YouTube Video(s):
1. Orna Bhajan Mandal - February 23, 2006
2. Shree Ramkabir Mandir Bhajan Mandal (playlist)

English Translation:
A spiritual seeker who has just been awakened from worldly passions laments saying, why God's name was forgotten by stupid and dim-wit mind?

1. Now, when the seeker has set out on a long arduous path of spiritual realization, how can it afford to get tired? As the path of attainment of place in divine realm is like treading on the sharp edge of a sword.

2. Even now it is not too late to get awakened from delusions and realize where you have been negligent. It's not late still; even now you can improve your life.

3. O' mind you did not get tired of worldly passions and lust and went on pursuing wealth and conceit like a lost gambler.

4. Now, leave aside crookedness and worship god's name, as it is of no use indulging in pettiness of passions.

5. Kabir says, following teachings of pious saints, one can fathom the ocean of life and reach ultimate divine realm.

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