
નાદબ્રહ્મ પદ - ૫૮૪, રાગ - ઋષિકેશ સામેરી
Nādbrahma pada 584, rāga - rishikesh sāmeri

Dhaman Bhajan Mandal (Recorded in 1971)

Shree Ramkabir Mandir Bhajan Mandal (Recorded on Janmashtami 2011)

Tarsadi Bhajan Mandal (Recorded on January 7, 2007 at Tarsadi Mandir)

રંગ હિંડોળેના રે, રંગભુવન નૃપ નંદરાય કે;
વિશ્વકર્માએ રચ્યો હરિ હેત, વિવિધ બનાય કે;
અનુપમ કનક કે દોઉ સ્તંભ પરમ સોહાવને;
મરૂવા ઝગમગે નંગ જડિત અતિ મન ભાવહી ... ટેક
raňg hiňdole-nā re, raňg-bhuvan nrupa naňda-rāy ke
vishva-karmā-e rachyo hari het, vividh banāya ke
anu-pam kanak ke do-u stambh, param sohāva-ne
maruvā jhag-mage naňg jadit, ati man bhāv-hi ... repeat

ભાવને નંગ જડિત મરૂવા, કુંજ કુંજ તહાં મણિ ખચે;
દાંડી રસાલ વિશાલ અદ્‌ભુત, જુમખા પચરંગ રચે ... ૧
bhāv-ne naňg jadit maruvā, kuňj kuňj tahāň mani khache
dāňdi rasāl vishāl ad-bhut, jum-khā pach-raňg rache ... 1

પટુલી પરમ ધન સારકી, દોરી નર્મ નિર્મૂલના;
ઋષિકેશ પ્રભુ નંદ નૃપકે, રંગ ભુવન હિંડોળેના ... ૨
patuli param dhan sār-ki, dori narma nirmul-nā
rushi-kesh prabhu naňda nrupa-ke, raňg bhuvan hiňdole-nā ... 2

YouTube Video(s):
1. Orna Bhajan Mandal - August 2008, Janmashtami
2. Shree Ramkabir Mandir Bhajan Mandal (playlist)

English Translation:
0. A colorful Hindolo at the recreation mansion (Rangbhuvan) of the King of Gokul, Nand created by Vishwakarma is a great sight to perceive. Vishwakarma, the Hindu deity is regarded as the divine architect. He is considered to be Swayambhu meaning self-manifested and believed to be the Creator of the world. He has erected two golden mainstay pillars studded with precious jewels. The jewels are shining like the bouquets of blooming flowers on nearby mango trees, creating captivating visual.

1. Shiny bloom on trees sprinkled with monsoon showers, looks like bright pearls and jewels hung on all the trees in the Grove. As if sharing the joy of Gopis and Gops of Vrundavan, rejoicing the splendor of festivities of Hindola, monsoon clouds are looming large, creating an image of massive Hindolo with simmering multi-color jewels adding matching the splendor of the nature abounding with magnificence.

2. Affectionately and fondly rocking the Hindola of Lord Krishna, devoid of expectations of divine grace and selfless love Poet Rishikesh extols the grace of the Supreme Soul, for blessing him with enjoying magnificence of celestial grandeur.

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