
નાદબ્રહ્મ પદ - ૮૯૫, પૃષ્ઠ-૬૦૯
Nādbrahma pada 895, page 609


બહુ પુણ્યકેરા પુંજથી, શુભ દેહ માનવનો મળ્યો,
 તોયે અરે! ભવચક્રનો આંટો, નહિ એક્કે ટળ્યો,
સુખ પ્રાપ્ત કરતાં સુખ ટળે છે, લેશ એ લક્ષે લહો,
 ક્ષણ ક્ષણ ભયંકર ભાવમરણે, કાં અહો રાચી રહો ? ... ૧
bahu punya-kerā puňja-thi, shubh deh mānav-no malyo,
toye are ! bhav-chakra-no āňto, nahi ek-ke talyo,
sukh prāpta karatā sukh tale chhe, lesh e lakshe laho,
kshana kshana bhayaňkar bhāv-marane, kaň aho rāchi raho ? ... 1

લક્ષ્મી અને અધિકાર વધતાં, શું વધ્યું તે તો કહો ?
 શું કુટુંબ કે પરિવારથી, વધવાપણું એ નય ગ્રહો;
વધવાપણું સંસારનું, નરદેહને હારી જવો,
 એનો વિચાર નહીં અહોહો ! એક પળ તમને હવો !!! ... ૨
lakshmi ane adhikār vadhatā, shuň vadhyu te to kaho ?
shuň kutumb ke parivār-thi, vadhavā-panu e nay graho,
vadhavā-panu saňsār-nu, nar-deh-ne hāri javo,
eno vichār nahiň aho-ho !  eka pal tam-ne havo !!!! ... 2

નિર્દોષ સુખ નિર્દોષ આનંદ, લ્યો ગમે ત્યાંથી ભલે,
 એ દિવ્ય શક્તિમાન જેથી, જંજીરેથી નીકળે;
પરવસ્તુમાં નહિ મૂંઝવો, એની દયા મુજને રહી,
 એ ત્યાગવા સિદ્ધાંત કે, પશ્ચાત્ દુ:ખ તે સુખ નહીં. ... ૩

nirdosh sukh niradosha ānaňd, lyo game tyāň-thi bhale,
e divya shakti-mān jethi, jaňjire-thi nikale,
para-vastu-māň nahi muňjhavo, eni dayā muj-ne rahi,
e tyāg-vā sid-dhāňt ke pashchāt dukh te sukh nahiň ... 3

હું કોણ છું ?  ક્યાંથી થયો ?  શું સ્વરૂપ છે મારું ખરું ?
 કોના સંબંધે વળગણા છે ?  રાખું કે એ પરહરું ?
એના વિચાર વિવેકપૂર્વક, શાંત ભાવે જો કર્યા,
 તો સર્વ આત્મિકજ્ઞાનનાં, સિદ્ધાંત-તત્વ અનુભવ્યાં. ... ૪
huň kon chhuň ? kyāň-thi thayo ? shuň svarup chhe māru kharu ?
konā sambaňdhe valaganā chhe ? rākhu ke e paraharu ?
enā vichār vivek-purvak, shāňt bhāve jo karyā,
to sarve ātmik-gnān-nā, sid-dhāňt-tatva anu-bhavyā ... 4

તે પ્રાપ્ત કરવા વચન કોનું સત્ય કેવળ માનવું?
 નિર્દોષ નરનું કથન માનો, ‘તેહ’ જેણે અનુભવ્યું;
રે! આત્મ તારો આત્મ તારો ! શીઘ્ર એને ઓળખો,
 સર્વાત્મમાં સમદ્રષ્ટિ દ્યો, આ વચનને હૃદયે લખો. ... ૫
te prāpta karavā vachan konu satya keval mānavu ?
nirdosh nar-nu kathan māno ‘teh’ jene anu-bhavyu,
re !  ātma tāro ātma tāro !  shighra ene olakho,
sarvātma-māň sama-drashti dyo, ā vachan-ne rudaye lakho ... 5

YouTube Videos(s):
1. Shree Ramkabir Mandir Bhajan Mandal - 2015 Nov 2

English Translation:
[Tattva Vichar means Theology that expounds mutuality and system of Jagat (World), Jivatma (Soul), Shiva and Moksha (Emancipation), which are the basic topics of philosophy.  

For a Jivatma or a Soul, to be born as a human among the innumerable species of life, is itself a unique blessing in the arduous journey through countless births. Many people believe that we, humankind, are the creation of a supernatural entity called God, that God had an intelligent purpose in creating us, and that this intelligent purpose is "the meaning of life".]

Owing to our righteousness Karma, we have been born in the human form. Despite that, we are not liberated from the cycle of birth and death. As a matter of fact, human birth provides the exclusive opportunity to pursue Purushartha. The word, Purushartha literally means, an "object of human pursuit". It is a key concept in Hinduism, and refers to the four proper goals or aims of a human life. The four Purushartha are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Even in the brief life span, there is the inbuilt chance to gain access to knowledge of God, experience His infinite greatness, and seek salvation.

1. The pursuit of worldly happiness begets much sorrow borne out of greed, avarice, which we fail to realize. Every moment of such action is detrimental to attainment of Moksha. Then why should we tread such a path of falsity?

Just pause and think, what have you achieved, what has been increased with increase in wealth or rights and privileges? Do you believe growth or expansion of family or clan, can really give you a sense of achievement? Saint Kabir Ji has said,
नींद से अब जाग बंदे, राम में मन रमा।
निरगुना से लाग बंदे, है वही परमात्मा।।
You are asleep in the realm of Maya - illusion. It is time you wake up and divert your mind in the worship of Rama. Concentrate your mind in realization of Nirguna or formless form of God, who is the Supreme Being.

2. Enhancement of worldliness, results in deterioration of physical form, owing to succumbing to passions, materialism and cupidity. Halt your pace on path of degradation of soul, stop for a moment to think.

Saint poet Narasimha Mehta has sung: Either Spirituality or devotion is the only tool that draws the living being to Paramatma or God. Strive to attain pure joy from listening to devotional kirtan or worships. Worshiping Supreme Divinity is the way to achieve liberation from the chains of bondage of passions.

3. It is pitiful to get engulfed in things of others. The only way to achieve true sublime happiness is to get rid of those disadvantageous principles. After following such inauspicious ways, there cannot be anything less than anguish, unhappiness and gloom.

A poet asks,
   સંબંધોના સમીકરણમાં સરવાળે શૂન્ય જોઈ ને  અકળાયો છું
   મારી શું ઓળખ આપું, હજી હું ખુદને  જ ક્યાં પૂરો કળાયો છું.
[I am confounded to find Zero in the equations of relations. When as yet I have not fully realized myself, how do I introduce myself?]

Have you ever asked yourself, "In reality, who am I? Whether am I a father, a husband a friend, a professional, a traveler? Who am I? As a matter of fact, on the basis of your child, you are a father, owing your wife, you are a husband, owing to your work, you are a professional and on the basis of transport, you are a traveler. All these identities are superficial and just based on something else! Then what are you?

4. Since we are unable to find answer to a question - "Who am I"; we keep striving to create our identity. We are always lost in confusion as to 'what should we adopt or discard?' In case, if we deeply contemplate and peacefully meditate, we may come to realize that, we are the spiritual essence of the Supreme Soul, which has remained shrouded by ignorance about SELF. Always repeat to yourself; - 'Who am I?' - 'I am an unstained, amorphous element of the Supreme Soul. By God's grace such self-realization is attained.

5. However, to achieve that whose words could be relied upon as truthful? Have faith on the words of an innocuous individual, who has himself experienced 'that' truth. Recognize the essence of your soul. Try to realize the spirit of your soul. Strive to developing equable view for all souls, which is the only way to have self-realization and ultimate emancipation. Engrave this Truth on your heart.

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